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looks like it came straight out of your flower garden.


I didn't even know what blocking was until this video :) You've got such a cute little voice!


You have to block anything thats lacy so its more used in knitting shawls and crocheting doilies. But its great to block anything made out of fibers because it relaxes the fibers and makes them ready to seam together. Oh and Thanks I have always thought I sounded like a child when I record myself hence why this is the first video! haha




brilliant video - thanks for making it everything makes a lot more sense now lol


thank you, you made it look so easy. what a beautiful square too


thanks for the vid!


Yes! again a beautiful square! I like you'r video instruction! A good idea! Thanks!And also a granny a day in may! I try to make them too!


Um yes, i have a question. How do you crochet?


Nice! You make it look so easy.


best blocking video ever! you can buy those same foam mats in the kids section at the store too! i think they run about the same price, but you can get more! I've used a corkboard in the past for big projects, I block it out on our carpet! I totally want one of these blocking mats though. I'm totally going to try the seam method too. It sounds like it dris ALOT faster than everthing else I've tried! Thanks so much for sharing!!!


Thank you Heather! Ive looked and looked for those mats in the toy section at stores and I can never find any that dont have pop out letters or ones that are as big as these. I guess Im just picky haha, but thank you for mentioning it for others out there that might want some on the cheap! Ive even seen them at thrift stores on occaision as well. When I lived in a house with carpeting, I would lay down a towel to soak up the water and pin right in to the carpet. That and a towel on top of a mattress works well too.


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