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have a wonderful time, destress, and we will see you on the other side!


I love it!


Have a great time! One day I will go to renegade, it sounds so so fun!


Go to Polvo's for the best tamales you'll ever have in your life!! It's on S 1st Street. They were so good I took home 18 of them. The plane smelled glorious, but the other passengers hated me for it. And go to Threadgill's for the world's best chicken fried steak. I like food.


Thanks Sarah! Youre the second person to tell us about Polvos so I guess we have to go now lol. And Sheldon has been to Threadgills but I havent so we may not go. Our meals are pretty much all planned out. We like food too :) Tonight were trekking out to the SaltLick. yay!


Great job


Oh! This one's adorable! I have a friend who loves ladybugs...I'll keep this one on file for her.

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