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Sarah Fitzpatrick

Hi Dana - Are you coming back? I really need you to come back and finish A Granny A Day because I am obsessed with it! I'm making an afghan right now using 5 of your 12 inch squares. This blog was my inspiration for learning to make granny squares, and is my ultimate craft porn. Crochet school has been AMAZING, btw. Thanks again for inspiring me (and keeping me from meeting my responsibilities because I'm too busy with some yarn and a hook)!


Hi Sarah, 

Yes!! I am coming back. This will sound super lame but I cant seem to find the book I was working from haha. Ill look really hard tonight!


Hi Dana, I also started with my a-granny-a-day project. I was very inspired by your project! So thank you.
I made a apart blog for my grannys:
Greets, Aafke
PS I hope you will find your book very soon. I just cannot find my 200 blocks of Jan Eaton;-(


wonderful!!! Your first few squares look great :) 

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