Congratulations Eef (Erin) you won!! I'll be contacting you. I just found Erin's blog through her comment and it's really great she has cute drawings, crochet and lots of pretty photos so you should check it out. I visited all of your blogs and added a bunch of them to my rss feed. Thanks for leaving a comment (even if it was to win a prize) so I could come visit you ;).
I also wanted very badly to comment back on all of your comments but didn't want to throw off the numbers for the drawing. Thank you all so much for reading and being inspired. That's not really what I set out to do when I started this project. I just wanted to see if I could do it, but I'm sooo happy that I'm inspiring others. Here's to the next 261 more squares! Please feel free to leave comments or email me at any time. I love to hear from readers and make new online friends.
Oh and I'm going to do a round up of your favorites and my favorites tomorrow just for fun :)