Pattern: ? It really is a mystery
Hook used: H
Yarn Used: Hobby Lobby's I Love this Yarn Grey Beard, Old Leaf, Peacock, Hot Rose, and Sungold.
Finished size: 8"
I seriously have no idea what pattern I used for this square or even when I made it. I was sorting through the squares for this blanket, trying to figure out how to lay them out for joining when I found this square and couldn't remember it. I searched through all of my blog posts and couldn't find it. I searched my ravelry queue and I couldn't find it anywhere. So if any of you can pin point what pattern this is, I'll update this post to include the information. I think it might be from 200 crochet blocks but I can't find my book at the moment.
updated 7/13______________________
Ok seriously Dana? I had a major brain fart on this one! Thanks to Marianne for reminding me that this is Adahia's pattern, I realized that I made this in the middle of the Granny a Day in May. It's square #111 I just must have forgotten about it because it was the only square I made with this color scheme during May. Ugh. I must be recovering from sleep deprivation or something. The real square #172 coming up now!