Since we were at Sheldon's parents' house this weekend, in the land of no Internet, I was kind of going crazy because I couldn't work on anything. So I started making lists for the wedding. Here's just a taste of what these look like... I'll spare you and not scan in the actual lists, they are scary!
There are 11 weekends before the big day... 11 WEEKS!!!! 73 DAYS!!! I'm only freaking out a little bit.
All but 4 weekends are already planned out - mostly with wedding stuff; making dresses,going to showers, buying food - but seesh I need to get my butt in high gear.
I just realized all of the side dishes have bacon in them. Maybe I'll leave it out of the mac and cheese... or not. Bacon makes everything better.
Sorry for such a boring post... Sometimes I just have to sort things out. Check back tomorrow morning for a DIY wedding invitation tutorial!