I knew we would have logistical problems having our wedding at the ranch. Sheldon has been fairly worried about everything, but I've had a pretty carefree "everything will work out" attitude. This surprises me the most. I mean I am the one creating my dream wedding here! But really, my view this whole time has been "if we can make it work it will be awesome, if we can't it will still be awesome, but just unplanned awesomeness."
After a weekend at my parents house, we've had some slight changes in the plan. The wedding is still happening at the pond, but there won't be a gazebo. My dad couldn't justify spending the money to build that when he wanted to put money and all his effort in finishing their upstairs so people could stay there during the wedding weekend. I'm fine with this. My mom bought a beautiful iron arbor at an antique store and Sheldon and his brother Jacob painted it white this weekend.
There were some communication problems with the reception site. Mom and I thought it was going to be near the ceremony site and no one told dad. oops! This area isn't level and would need a lot of dirt work, plus running all that electricity would be hard. So we'll be having the reception tent set up in front of the little house. Its not the most scenic of places, but there will be beer and wine and soo much food I don't think anyone will care. Plus, I'm thinking the porch could be quite useful as the photobooth area, not to mention that it has a bathroom and is close to the other two bathrooms in the big house.
I wrote the above post, picked the title and everything on Sunday night. There were pictures that went with it and everything, they just weren't taken off the cameras yet. And then Monday some scumbag broke into our house and stole all of my camera equipment (with my brand new Jo Totes bag!!), the tv, my macbook, the ps3 and ps2, my luggage, Sheldon's wedding band and some other things; dvds, blu rays and cds. Not to mention that they tore our house up and probably scared Dewey for life.
They were only interested in electronics. Even thought there was a mess, they didn't break anything and didn't touch anything of real value (antiques or heirlooms). None of our wedding gifts were stolen and almost everything I took and brought back from my parents this weekend was still in my car. Thankfully my point and shoot was left in my trunk, so I have the pictures from my shower this weekend and we have a camera to take pictures of our honeymoon, etc.
There were extinuating circumstances with our break-in so the police brought in the investigators so there was dusting for fingerprints (above photo), blood samples and foot-print analyzing going on. This made me kind of giddy in a geeky (this only happens on tv) sort of way.
I have home-owners insurance so most of everything is covered. The big sucky thing is they told us not to buy replacements for anything yet and my camera equipment was going to be used for the wedding photobooth, not that I could afford replacements right now anyway. I have friends that have offered to let us use their camera that day. We'll see. I'm not letting this get in my way of having my dream wedding!!! It's just a bump in the road. A really annoying bump, but a bump nonetheless.
Most of my computer files for wedding stuff were on my thumb drive and Sheldon's brother is loaning us his laptop until we can get something else. Thankfully they didn't take my printer, so I can still print out the things I still need for the wedding. They didn't take my apple time capsule either, so almost all of my files are still there. I had a few things on the computer itself, but I'm sooo glad they didn't get it all.
Oh and just so you know. Everyone is fine, Dewey seems to be ok, only a bit shaken up after the initial break in. Bella slept through the whole thing. Our house is secure. We have a monitored alarm system that just wasn't armed that day. You can bet we will have it armed every moment from now until we move from this house. It just saddens me that the neighborhood didn't have a crime history (aside from a couple of domestic disputes) when I bought the house, and now it does. This person has broken into more than one home in the past two weeks. I really hope they catch him.